Clarksville Missouri

Clarksville, Missouri, is renowned for its wintering bald eagles, while the Clarence Cannon National Wildlife Refuge provides a sanctuary for a diverse array of avian life, including vibrant flocks of mallard ducks. These two distinct avian experiences offer a glimpse into the remarkable biodiversity of the region.

Trumpeter Swans at the Riverlands

The Riverlands Migratory Bird Sanctuary in West Alton, Missouri, offers a unique opportunity to witness the majesty of trumpeter swans alongside the iconic Clark Bridge. These magnificent birds, with their long necks and powerful wings, often grace the waters below the bridge, creating a breathtaking scene. Watching them glide across the river, with the historic bridge as a dramatic backdrop, is an unforgettable experience for any nature enthusiast.

Snowy Day at Lone Elk Park

Snowy days at Lone Elk Park transform the landscape into a winter wonderland. The elk and bison, their coats thick with fur, seem to relish the challenge of navigating the snow-covered terrain. Their heavy hoofbeats echo through the quiet woods, leaving tracks in the pristine white blanket. The park takes on a serene and magical atmosphere, offering a unique and unforgettable winter experience.