Frozen Tundra

A winter hike out at Busch Wildlife. Lakes all frozen with lots of ice fisherman out on them.

Hallowed Ground

Dropped by to say Merry Christmas to mom and dad and snap some pictures while we were there.

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Dam Pelicans

Found some Pelicans after hiking down below the Winfield Lock and Dam on a cold and windy day.

Canadian Reflections

Early morning hike at Busch Wildlife. Very calm and peaceful morning.

William Clark Bridge

From the river’s edge on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River.

Mockingbirds Don’t Sing

Strolling up the Butterfly Lane and found a pretty little Mockingbird perched at the top of a pine tree.

Still of the Night

A perfectly still, beautiful evening at Busch Wildlife.

Three Going On Twenty

Grandchildren are a grandparent’s link to the future. Grandparents are a child’s link to the past.

Bull Run

Beautiful morning out at Lone Elk Park in St. Louis County.

First Snow

Ms. Quinn enjoying the season’s first snow.