The Joy of Fall

A dry, moderate day in November to enjoy the fallen leaves.

Camping at Carlyle Lake

The annual fall camping trip with my brothers (Ed and Ken). Great camping spot close to the water to capture plenty of sunrises.


A great egret that eventually got spooked by my presence.

Home on the Range

Fall visit to Lone Elk Park in St. Louis County.

Lake Egret

Pretty perched great egret waiting for dinner.

Grand Ole Osprey!

It was my first time finding an osprey at Mark Twain Lake!

A Day at the Riverlands

Every chance I get I take a drive to the riverlands to see what I can find. Today was the Great Blue Herons, Pelicans and Cormorans.

Our Lady of the Rivers

Went out exploring and stopped by Portage des Sioux where the Our Lady of the Rivers statue is located right on the Mississippi River.

Posing Egret

This egret was posing while enjoying the sunshine until finally I got too close!

An Afternoon in Paris

Camping at Ray Behrens, took a drive to the Union Covered Bridge in Paris, MO. Pretty sunset as I passed the Elk Fork of the Salt River.