Boat or Jet?

Quiet day during the week on the lake enjoying the wildlife when this bad boy comes flying down the lake.

Flower Bandit

Caught this little squirrel exploring Pat’s flower garden on a Saturday morning. For the most part he just left the flowers alone, but he was pretty cute when he popped up on the side of the galvanized flower bed.

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Sunflower Days

I discovered that there were fields of sunflowers within a few miles of the house. Thousands of sunflowers planted in a field at the Weldon Spring Conservation Area. I spent three days photographing the flowers at different times of the day.

Sibling Visitors

Some wildlife wondered into the front yard around dusk.

Soggy Day

Just sitting on the patio in the rain watching the soggy animals.

Hangin’ Out

Regular lunch visits from the Red-bellied Woodpecker community.

The young Red-bellied Woodpecker on a June day.

Spring Has Sprung!

Nothing better than when spring finally arrives after a long winter.

Attitude Adjustment

Frequent camping visits to Mark Twain Lake are required in order to continue in the working world, haha! I love being on the water this time of year when there is very little boat traffic.

Chasing Eagles

My favorite thing to do in the springtime at Mark Twain Lake.

Learning To Drive

Not sure Miss Quinn will ever have to learn how to drive the ways things are going, haha!

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