Egret Addiction

The egret, a vision of elegant white, stands motionless in the shallow water, its long neck arched like a graceful sculpture. Behind it, a majestic cypress tree, draped in Spanish moss, rises from the water’s edge. The egret, seemingly oblivious to the world around it, patiently waits for its next meal, its presence adding a touch of ethereal beauty to the serene scene.

Lake 33 at Busch Wildlife

Lake 33 at Busch Wildlife in Weldon Spring is a haven for birdwatchers. Graceful egrets with their snowy white plumage can often be spotted wading along the shoreline, their long necks poised for a strike. Majestic blue herons, with their slate-gray feathers and distinctive blue-gray heads, stalk the shallows, patiently waiting for unsuspecting prey. These elegant birds add a touch of wild beauty to the tranquil lake, providing a captivating spectacle for those who take the time to observe them.

Perfect Pair

Male and female mallard ducks at Busch Wildlife.

Autumn at Busch Wildlife

It doesn’t last long enough in this area, but I love this time of year when temperatures cool off and the trees are full of color.

Muddy Bottoms

Lake 33 at Busch Wildlife Conservation Area is naturally shallow making it a great place to find shorebirds. A lack of rain in the area caused the lake to dry up on the shallow end leaving mud behind, but exposed the muscles that Limpkins like to feed on.

Cool Mornings

The first cool mornings at the end of a hot summer feels as refreshing as the first warm spring days after a cold, hard winter.

Morning with the Limpkins

Word got around that there were a couple of Limpkins hanging out at Busch Wildlife. It’s kind of a big deal since Limpkins, being a tropical wetlands bird, are not typically seen north of Florida. It was a great Labor Day morning.

Birding at Busch Wildlife

After a week long heat wave of oppressive temperatures above 100 degrees, it was great to get out with the camera.

Frozen Tundra

A winter hike out at Busch Wildlife. Lakes all frozen with lots of ice fisherman out on them.

Canadian Reflections

Early morning hike at Busch Wildlife. Very calm and peaceful morning.