Homestead in Weldon Spring, MO

In Weldon Spring, Missouri, peanuts in the shell are a popular treat for squirrels. These energetic creatures can often be seen scampering around yards and parks, eagerly searching for and burying the tasty nuts. Providing peanuts in the shell for squirrels can be a fun way to observe their behavior and enjoy their playful antics.

Homestead in Weldon Spring, MO

Weldon Spring is a city in St. Charles County, Missouri, located a short distance west of St. Louis. Known for its peaceful suburban atmosphere, Weldon Spring offers residents a mix of residential areas, parks, and convenient access to nearby amenities.

Birds of the Bell

Just a suet feeder in the shape of a bell.


This little squirrel came cleaning up the scraps that the deer left behind.

Moonrise Over Barn

Just a pretty fall moonrise over that old barn.

Young Buck

We had a young buck visit the homestead around dusk. Good lookin’ boy!

John Deere

“We’re about John Wayne, Johnny Cash and John Deere.”

Blue Moon

monthly Blue Moon is the second Full Moon in a calendar month with two Full Moons. I took these pictures a couple of days before and a couple of days after.

Start of Preschool

This week Quinn started preschool. Growing up so quickly.

Good Mourning Dove

I don’t usually take photos of the mourning dove’s around the house (I can hear them pretty much all of the time).