Spring Has Sprung!

Nothing better than when spring finally arrives after a long winter.

Three Going On Twenty

Grandchildren are a grandparent’s link to the future. Grandparents are a child’s link to the past.

First Snow

Ms. Quinn enjoying the season’s first snow.

The Joy of Fall

A dry, moderate day in November to enjoy the fallen leaves.

Bubble Days

Ms. Quinn blowing bubbles with Grandma.

A Day at the Park

A trip with Grandma to the park.

Just a Swingin’

In addition to the great outdoors, Ms. Quinn loves swingin’!

Sunny Days

Ms. Quinn loves the great outdoors, like her papa.

Quinn Dean

Ms. Quinn cruising the homestead looking doing her best James Dean impression.

Spring Has Sprung

Ms. Quinn out enjoying a beautiful spring day!