Young Buck

We had a young buck visit the homestead around dusk. Good lookin’ boy!

Lone Elk Day

Had a Sunday morning to spend at Lone Elk Park in St. Louis County. Beautiful morning to spend with the animals.

Muddy Bottoms

Lake 33 at Busch Wildlife Conservation Area is naturally shallow making it a great place to find shorebirds. A lack of rain in the area caused the lake to dry up on the shallow end leaving mud behind, but exposed the muscles that Limpkins like to feed on.

Morning with the Limpkins

Word got around that there were a couple of Limpkins hanging out at Busch Wildlife. It’s kind of a big deal since Limpkins, being a tropical wetlands bird, are not typically seen north of Florida. It was a great Labor Day morning.

Good Mourning Dove

I don’t usually take photos of the mourning dove’s around the house (I can hear them pretty much all of the time).

The Elusive Hummingbird

Decided to setup the tripod on the patio to capture the hummingbirds as they zoom in and out from the feeder.

Lake Random

Just some random shots from Mark Twain Lake.

My Blue Heaven

Summertime camping trip to Mark Twain Lake. Rained a lot, but eventually made it out onto the lake. There were a lot of Blue Herons out doing there thing and I always take the opportunity to photograph one of my favorite birds.

Flower Bandit

Caught this little squirrel exploring Pat’s flower garden on a Saturday morning. For the most part he just left the flowers alone, but he was pretty cute when he popped up on the side of the galvanized flower bed.

Sibling Visitors

Some wildlife wondered into the front yard around dusk.