Soggy Day
Just sitting on the patio in the rain watching the soggy animals.
Just sitting on the patio in the rain watching the soggy animals.
My favorite thing to do in the springtime at Mark Twain Lake.
On a January day it got up to 61 degrees so I made a point to get outside. Headed over to the Boone Crossing Unit of the Big Muddy National Wildlife refuge. I think the eagle enjoyed it as much as I did.
Dropped by to say Merry Christmas to mom and dad and snap some pictures while we were there.
Beautiful morning out at Lone Elk Park in St. Louis County.
A great egret that eventually got spooked by my presence.
Pretty perched great egret waiting for dinner.
It was my first time finding an osprey at Mark Twain Lake!
Thanksgiving Day is just a day set aside to remind us to give thanks for the known and unknown persons that have given in some way to make the world we live in a better place. Give thanks is good for the soul.
Camping trip with brothers to Siloam Springs State Park in Illinois.